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Introduction to Woodturning
2 Days: Saturday-Sunday, March 22nd-23rd, 2025, 9AM - 4PM
Tuition: $325
Ages: 16 & Up
Instructor: Matt Harber
Instructional Delivery Method(s): In person
Prerequisites: None
Program Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Program Description:
Explore the world of woodturning. Students will learn the basics of spindle turning and bowl turning in a fun and informative weekend. Projects to be completed include a woodcarving mallet and a bowl as well as various knick-knacks that will be created while doing exercises.
Day 1: Focus on getting familiar with the lathe and Lathe tools. Spindle turning between centers.
Day 2: Focus on working with a chuck and bowl work.
Participants will leave with the knowledge and confidence to continue woodturning at home.
Learning Objectives:
Learn all about a woodturning lathe and what to look for when purchasing
Learn about the different tools and accessories. What you need and what you don’t
Learn how to sharpen woodturning tools
Learn how to create beads, coves, rounds, and more
Learn how to safely, efficiently, and effectively use various gouges, skew scraper, and carbide tools
Learn how to apply different techniques to create projects
Learn about selecting the appropriate wood, and how to get to the ideal moisture content for the various stages
Learn to properly sand and finish your creations
Students will create and finish a wood carving mallet
Students will also create and finish a bowl while demonstrating an understanding of safe and efficient lathe practices
Attendance Requirements: Students must attend all days
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Location: Sam Beauford Woodshop, 1375 N. Main St, Building 41, Adrian, Michigan 49221
Class Size: Minimum 3, Maximum 6